Does Your Confession Match Your Walk
Author: Doyle Davis
October 24, 2022
“If you love Me, keep My commandments.” John 14:15
“I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.” Ps. 119:60
Too often, we Christians live inconsistently, and our confession sometimes conflicts with our walk. It isn’t that we are playing the part of a hypocrite, as we are often accused, for to act in that manner would be intentional. No, the true believer isn’t intentionally attempting to deceive. When believers behave in a way that is inconsistent with their confession, it says that they are not being alert; they are not being watchful in their everyday journey.
We are to think soberly daily and keep our thoughts under subjection. The spirit man struggles against the old nature, and in our struggle, there is a back and forth trying to gain mastery over our flesh. Even the apostle Paul said, “I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good.” Rom. 7:21.
A big help—really, it’s a must—is to stay in the word of God, the Bible. When we study/read the word, we grow stronger and are better able to keep His word (commandments), thereby showing our love for Christ. And when we love a person (Christ), we will not think twice or delay in obeying His word.
So let’s get with it, brothers and sisters. Let’s walk in a consistent way. Let’s win this struggle with the old nature. Get into God’s word, the Bible.
The WORDview Quiet Time method is an excellent tool for practicing a consistent walk with the Lord. Find out more here.
Doyle Davis
Doyle Davis is a Guest Blogger for WORDview Ministries. He retired after 21 years of service as an officer with the Houston Police Department. He attended Texas Southern University and the College of Biblical Studies. He is a Preacher/Teacher and has been a church planter. He has been married for 44 years and has ten children: (3) biological and (7) adopted. He currently attends Pine Forrest Baptist church in Livingston, Texas.