How to do the WORDview Quiet Time:
To do your daily WORDview Quiet Time use the following five steps (The suggested times are flexible and are up to you. They may differ from day to day):
Step 1. RELAX (1 Minute)
First, relax. Be still and quiet. Slow down. Prepare your heart. Take a few deep breaths and wait on the Lord. Focus on God, heaven, your eternal destination. Voice a short prayer asking the Holy Spirit to teach you all things using His “logos” – the written Word - to speak His “rhema” – His personal instructions, specific to your life, for this day. Keep in mind that He speaks Truth. Truth is never contrary to the whole counsel of God. The Bible never contradicts itself.
"Be still, and know that I am God." Ps. 46:10
"Open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Word." Ps. 119:18 (LB)
“The thing you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what God wants.” Matt. 6:33
Step 2. READ (4-to-5 Minutes)
Using a WORDview Reading Plan read the assigned passage for today. Read it thoughtfully, with focus, in three different translations. Read the most literal, word-for-word translation first, then progressively move to the thought-for-thought translations, and then finish with a paraphrased version. For more information go to the "RESOURCES" Tab, then to "ARTICLES AND GUIDES," then to "Understanding Bible Translations."
Underline, circle, or highlight key words or phrases that seem to speak to you. Jot down notes, thoughts, insights in your Bible’s margin as you read, if you like.
You are meditating on God’s written Word (“logos”) to listen for His personal, specific message (“rhema”) for you for this day—His specific message to make you “adequate, equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:17).”
Step 3. REFLECT (4-to-5 Minutes)
Summarize the passage in your own words. Write down your thoughts on what God is saying and what you sense He is telling you. This could be just a sentence or two. Or somedays it may be more, much more. There is no "right way" or "wrong way" to do this. It should be authentic, personal and dynamic, as the Spirit leads.
Step 4. RESPOND (3-to-4 Minutes)
Write down how you intend to apply, practice or obey His instructions this day. A simple tool that can help with this is "The S.P.A.C.E. Questions: Giving God S.P.A.C.E. to work in your life." Ask the following five questions of any passage of Scripture to find how God wants you to apply His Word today in your personal life:
- S- Is there a sin I need to forsake?
- P- Is there a promise I can claim?
- A- Is there an attitude I should change?
- C- Is there a command I should obey?
- E- Is there an example I should follow?
Step 5. REQUEST (3-TO-4 Minutes)
Jot down specific prayer requests, especially those having something to
do with what the Lord has just spoken to you. Journal prayer requests
specific to your "REFLECT" and "RESPOND"
(above). Conclude your WORDview Quiet Time by
praying--talking with God about what He has shown you, how you can be sensitive
to His instructions for today, and about your prayer requests. And don't
be surprised as you go throughout your day if the Lord brings across your path
people, situations, and opportunities specifically related to His Word ("rhema":
"His specific message to you") to you for this day, one day
at a time!
Be patient...
At first you may find this form of Quiet Time to feel awkward or difficult. And as you are learning this approach it may take a bit more time than 15 minutes. Don’t worry—this is normal. Like all new skills it takes time for it to become a comfortable habit. Keep at it and soon it will feel natural, and you will be basking in a deeper level of communion with Christ than you’ve ever experienced before, looking forward to hearing from the Lord in the next day's reading!
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