New Research Confirms: The Bible Transforms!

New Research Confirms: The Bible Transforms!

Author: WORDview Ministries
June 16, 2023

The American Bible Society recently conducted a surprising research study that revealed some interesting insights about Christians who are heavily engaged with the Bible and their faith. According to the study, these individuals flourish in every domain of human experience, from personal relationships to professional lives and beyond.

The study, released as Chapter 3 of the State of the Bible 2023 report, is titled "Flourishing and Hope." It is based on an extensive survey of 2,761 U.S. adults between January 5th and January 30th.

 "Our research confirms something millions of Christians know through personal experience—that the Bible has the power to transform our lives and make us happier, healthier, and whole," said American Bible Society Chief Ministry Insights and Innovation Officer John Farquhar Plake. "We find that Christians who are committed to their faith, fully engaged in the Bible and transformed by its message, flourish in every domain of human experience."

According to Plake, "While these scripture-engaged Christians go through the same hardships as everyone else, the difference is they experience life's ups and downs through a worldview shaped by the Bible's message of hope. No matter the circumstances, those who trust in God and connect with him through Scripture are happier than those who haven't yet sought God in his Word."

The research examined respondents' scores on the Human Flourishing Index, which asks about people's "happiness & life satisfaction," "mental & physical health," "meaning & purpose," "character & virtue," "close societal relationships," and "financial & material stability." On the Human Flourishing Index as a whole, practicing Christians received an average score of 7.8 compared to 6.9 for non-practicing Christians and 6.7 for non-Christians.

This phenomenon extended to the Happiness & Life Satisfaction domain, where practicing Christians received an average score of 7.8, followed by non-practicing Christians at 6.8 and non-Christians at 6.5. When it comes to meaning and purpose, practicing Christians turned in an average score of 8.1, while non-practicing Christians and non-Christians registered average scores of 6.9 and 6.4, respectively.

The State of the Bible 2023 report confirms how reading the Bible can impact every aspect of a person's life. That's why our motto at WORDview Ministries is "Read the Bible, Change Your World."

To read more about The State of the Bible 2023, click here. To learn more about our unique Quiet Time Daily Bible Reading System, click here



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