Reflecting Jesus
Author: Davy Tim Holder
September 20, 2022
Years ago, while serving a church in Port Neches, Texas, I would go early in the morning to have my devotional time while sitting by the Neches River. On this particular morning, I had been asking the Lord to show Himself so very powerfully in the midst of our people. I asked Him to reflect His glory through our lives. I even asked Him to make His angels visible as He did for Elisha’s servant when He opened his eyes to see the hills full of horses and chariots of fire.
I was weeping as I prayed to the Lord. Then, for some reason, I opened my eyes. When I did, I saw one of the brightest lights I had ever seen. When I was able to focus my eyes, I saw one of the large oil tankers being turned around in the river. The ship was a rather rusty-looking vessel, but as the sunlight reflected off the ship’s wheelhouse windows, the reflection of light was almost blinding.
I asked the Lord what He was trying to show me. He said to my spirit: “I want people to see My glory, but I want them to see me through your life.”
Any “ole” human vessel - regardless of age, health or status - can reflect the Son of God. We just have to be in the right position (that is, the right relationship and fellowship with the Son) in order to reflect the light of Jesus into our dark world.
In other words, “any old ship will do”; just align yourself with the Son. The only way we can align ourselves with the Lord is to faithfully remain in His Word, and in fellowship and obedience to the Lord. I am so thankful now for WORDview Ministries because it helps us stay in the Word and really dig into what is being said in the scriptures!
The refrain of an old hymn states,
“O, to reflect His grace,
Causing the world to see
Love that will glow ‘til others shall know
Jesus, revealed in me.”
I pray this will be our deepest desire!
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D. Tim Holder
D. Tim Holder is a Guest Blogger for WORDview Ministries. He has served for 50 years of full-time church ministry. He is now serving in part-time ministry. Tim is a charter member of the CenturyMen Male Chorus of Texas. He and his wife Pat have been married for 55 yrs, and have 4 adopted daughters.