Intimate Truths for the Church
Author: WORDview Ministries
May 03, 2021
Here at WORDview Ministries, we are constantly developing new reading plans that will help our subscribers engage with Scripture in new and exciting ways. The foundation of WORDview is the WORDview Quiet Time, which guides the reader to meditate on short daily Bible passages in several different translations. The result is nothing short of transformative. Just check out the personal testimonies of some of our followers.
Our latest reading plan was developed by WORDview Co-Founder, Dr. Guy Jackson. It is a four-week exploration of John 13-17. Why develop a reading plan focused on just a few chapters in John? Read on to find out!
Revolutionary Truths
John 13-17, commonly known as “The Upper Room Discourse,” is a revolutionary passage of Scripture in that it alone, of all the Gospels, contains Jesus’ specific teachings for the Church and the Church Age. Here we find Jesus’ final instructions and intimate conversations with His disciples. In this private exchange with the eleven, Jesus knows He is about to be arrested and taken away from them. We can be sure these are the essentials—the essential truths for them and for God’s “mystery,” the coming church to be birthed just weeks later.
Seed Truths
In this intimate setting, Jesus shares the “seed truths” that will germinate and sprout into what we know as the Epistles, the New Testament doctrine of the Church and for the Church Age believer. There are at least twenty of these seed truths in John 13-17 that are repeated and developed in the New Testament Epistles of Paul, James, Peter, and John. This is New Testament truth in its purest form.
Join our Coed Group: Intimate Truths for the Church
Beginning Monday, May 17, Dr. Guy and Jackie Jackson will be leading a private, coed group through this new reading plan on Facebook. Join us for an exciting conversation with the Living Word as we discover “Intimate Truths” for having a close, genuine relationship with Christ and one another.